OAS 3.0.0

Mynth API

Welcome to the Mynth API documentation. Mynth Is a platform connecting blockchains and creating highways that enable seamless asset transfers. Our goal is to empower developers to build amazing web3 applications using Mynth. We offer APIs that facilitate effortlessly swapping any token to any token, on any network.

This documentation provides an overview of the available endpoints.

Fee Sharing

A goal of Mynth is to allow anybody to build apps on web3 easily. To encourage even more development, developers can earn a share of protocol revenue generated. Reach out to us on Discord to get started.

To earn revenue, you’ll need a service provider ID. This is a string that you’ll pass to endpoints that charge users fees to use. As a developer, you can define the fee to any value you’d like above a minimum value. Mynth charges a base fee for each action. Any difference between Mynth’s fee and the fee your user pays is the profit you get to keep.

At the end of each month, collected fees are tallied and distributed. Fees are paid out in MNT. If the fee was generated in a different token (e.g. USDC), then the amount of MNT received will be based on the market price at the time of distribution.

Mainnet server

Client Libraries


Mynth offers liquid staking of MNT, MyUSD, and Chameleons, allowing users to earn staking rewards while maintaining full custody of their assets. There are no smart contract risks or lockups involved. Simply having these assets in your wallet is enough to start earning rewards, which are distributed at the end of each epoch.

To facilitate these interactions, Mynth provides several API endpoints for managing user accounts. Users can retrieve their current balances for MNT, MyUSD, and Chameleons, giving them a clear view of their holdings. Additionally, the API allows users to estimate their staking rewards based on their current asset holdings. Users can also easily withdraw their earned staking rewards.


Retrieve balance details for a user’s account. This will include an overview of all of the user’s MNT, MyUSD and Chameleons. It will also show an estimation of rewards for the next epoch.

Query Parameters
  • address

    A Cardano address in bech32 format, including a staking credential

Request Example forGET/api/accounts/balances
curl 'https://www.mynth.ai/api/accounts/balances?address=addr1q9t455u28hh3fhjwjvkatfjw69p00tk4uqwx4sw8cp3h4pzr6wcfkkgwj9h82g9wsg5zv5gplvgcgawlucetsd4u45qqpv457k'
  "code": 200,
  "contents": {
    "balances": {
      "MNT": {
        "amount": "344.554166",
        "priceInAda": "0.286729",
        "priceInUSD": "0.118072",
        "valueInADA": "98.793671",
        "valueInUSD": "40.682246"
      "MyUSD": {
        "amount": "10750.481023",
        "priceInAda": "2.428422",
        "priceInUSD": "1.000000",
        "valueInADA": "26106.707358",
        "valueInUSD": "10750.481023"
      "chameleon": {
        "common": {
          "amount": 0,
          "priceInAda": "288.000000",
          "priceInUSD": "118.595520",
          "valueInADA": "0.000000",
          "valueInUSD": "0.000000"
        "rare": {
          "amount": 1,
          "priceInAda": "349.000000",
          "priceInUSD": "143.714710",
          "valueInADA": "349.000000",
          "valueInUSD": "143.714710"
      "claimable": {
        "MNT": "344.554166",
        "MNTX": "344.554166",
        "MyUSD": "344.554166"
    "nextRewards": {
      "MNT": "8.409227"
    "totalADA": "26554.501029",
    "totalStaked": {
      "MNT": "758084.377927",
      "chameleons": 1229
    "totalUSD": "10934.877979"

Addresses (Collapsed)

Mynth helps facilitate parties to execute intents. Using this API, users can encode an intent and derive a unique blockchain address representing that intent. Funds sent to the generated address will then follow the rules defined by the intent.

Addresses Operations

Events (Collapsed)

Mynth offers developers the subscribe to Mynth-related events. For example, a developer can subscribe to status updates of a user’s swap. An event is triggered whenever a change is detected, such as status update or transfer of assets.